Wednesday, April 6, 2011


“You are religiously and legally ours” … And she started feeling the vibes of change all around her…the sensation of transition, the numbness which happens when you have a zillion thoughts and don’t know which one to single out and think about…

Her beautiful eyes went blank and their reflection in the mirror informed her clearly that sleep won’t come to them for many days to come…Her curly hair started feeling the Bangalore breeze like the most awaited touch…The swing in the balcony garden welcomed her to sway between the past and the future, between old and the new relationships, between apprehensions and anticipations…

Five long years of a successful relationship stood in front of her like a beautiful journey.  A wish that was granted, a dream that came true…She could not ask for more…That “only-a-classmate”, “friend”, “best friend”, “guide”, “special someone”, “boyfriend” was ready to become her “life”…She wondered how meanings can change with time…Once “aunty” was becoming “mummi ji”, once “uncle” wanted her to say “papa ji”...everybody wants to know how she feels but words won’t come to her…people assume she is extremely happy to say anything, but her happiness is not able to sort itself into what to tell whom…Strange but true, she’s not even sure whether HE will be able to understand …This feeling is so HER own…No wonder, nobody else can understand really…

There have been transitions, from prep to school then to college, to a new city, to a new job, new people…but this one is HUGE…Though she knew from like years… she had a perfect mental picture in like a thousand dreams, she knew which color will go with which occasion, what is going to be the guest list, which flower will suit the decorations, and what must-be’s should be there in the menu…she was always ready, all set…But still she feels that time has run extremely fast, that she’s only a kiddo, how can this happen so early…

Like me, she ponders over thoughts and questions, only to conclude that this was destined to happen…for best...And then again, she tries to welcome sleep, in vain…drowning yet again into feelings all sweet…

P.S. Congrats Dear…All the very best for the future ahead…God Bless!!!

P.P.S. Oops! Do I need to mention, this was about a very close friend, getting married soon!!! :)


swati said...

amazing have expressed it so nicely that no one can beat you...

Shivani Shastri said...

Thanks Swati...the post is all yours...

parul said...

Gudgeon one shivani, kee
p it up.....:)

Ankur said...

Now she is already married, just remembering this incident and missing old days with you guys in accy will lead me to read this post again. Great one

Unknown said...

Some really nice thoughts, good one keep it up