Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Summoned up…

Times when it becomes kinda obligatory for you to think that thoughtlessness is bliss and all those who’ve always been telling you smooth-roads-never-make-good-drivers are all fools… And then these rains, which fall outta heavens so straight and swift, directly on your head while you are thinking of a careless cup of hot coffee mixed with some cure of the sneezing cold...

So, the RAINS play some linkin park music on your head, wet your hair in dead cold and immediately reach those wayward nerves in your brain responsible for some weird neural activity which defies the soothing effect of normalized-day-to-day LIFE...act as catalyst to your already strained up mind… and then with those falling drops of greasy slimy age, you think you can feel the wetness of question marks all around you...drenching your very soul...

But then…in midst of all the confusion, the LOGICAL YOU rises up for all the answers and you begin to realize the complementary stuff rains bring with them… you suddenly start relishing the winds...mighty winds...That can blow away the rain clouds in whatever direction they fancy…mighty winds...that can twist and roll the direction of rains…super mighty winds, that can ultimately make you feel better about your wet hair, sweeping them nicely across…

You feel the breeze and drive faster and realize... the faster you go, more swiftly you pass and prevail the hateful traffic jam of neural traumatizations in midst of unhealthy rains…and faster you drive, the more you realize its making you learn driving better… and self control with increased proficiency……now you know there may come rains, however stormy, turbulent and seemingly unsettleable …nothing to worry, you’ve learned to drive safe and chances of a slip are odd... you finally start enjoying the music of the wind rather than the crashes of the lightening and the thunderstorm...

And then, you leave aside all the anxiety and drive faster to reach the balcony breeze, while you sit there all dry, with hot coffee and the blissful peace...warming your soul off the odd effects of rains…


Abhishek said...

Comparisons of a human mind with rains, such a parallel!!!
And linkin park on your head were just too awesome!

Shivani Shastri said...

Linkin Park are awesome yes...and so is the feeling of being understood each time you draw a parallel...